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How does it get to this?

Writer's picture: Matt DeanMatt Dean

Since the tragic murder of three innocent children and the attempted murder of more by a 17 year old in Southport, the far-right in England have mobilised and taken to the streets. They have attacked innocent people of colour, looted, destroyed propety, attacked police and most shockingly of all, committed arson and attemped murder at a number of hotels that are housing migrants.

How does it get to this? Let’s start from the top and work down.

The English have quite the reputation for, amongst other things

Setting sail on boats and...

Invading countries

Attacking and intimidating populations with gangs of armed thugs

Dividing local populations

Stealing valuable indigenous resources

Placing natives in concentration camps

Stealing people to use a slaves

Committing genocide

Forcing the change of language, traditions and cultures

Forcing natives to practise the official religion of Britain 

And then claiming that land under the rule of the British Empire

Historically, the English are the worst types of migrants you can possibly imagine. Whatever you might think about immigration into this country in 2024, it’s nothing compared to what our ancestors did, as migrants, 100’s of years ago. 

And since we’re speaking of our murderous, thieving ancestors, who nicked all that wealth, we should really ask ourselves who benefitted from it.

Was it the people who are planning riots on our streets against immigrants? No, it’s definitely not those people. They live in a country that has denied them proper public services, fair opportunities to get ahead in life and left them feeling abandoned.  

Is it the immigrants that are being targeted by those same white English folk? Nope, they flee the countries that Britain (and other Western countries) exploited in search of a better life. 

Right - so who exactly are the beneficiaries? Like I said at the beginning, let’s start at the top.

The Royal family - for some reason there’s nothing more English than to love our dear royals. You can’t speak ill of the Queen, what about all the tourists they bring in. There’s nothing better for the country's spirits than a royal wedding!

They are the direct beneficiaries of the crimes I listed below. Charles flaunted the jewels they stole during his coronation and took the piss out of us all in his golden carriage as he addressed what HIS government would do for us, his most humble of servants. 

Kings, queens, princes and princesses are for story books, for children to enjoy. When we talk about redistributing wealth, that family has plenty, which it stole in our name. Maybe it’s time to start sharing it all back out. 

The existence of a Royal family creates and maintains our class system. Unless you are born into this family, you can never be head of state. You will never infiltrate, you will never be one of them. There is a top, there is a bottom. There is an order and you will obey that order. 

That brings us to our next cohort of beneficiaries - The Establishment. Who are they? Well, they are the people who were able to also benefit from the crimes listed above. Many an ambitious young Englishman set sail for foreign shores with little more than the clothes on his back, but returned with incredible wealth to build a country pile and “earn” the title of Lord, Duke or Earl. 

We think of these people and their descendants as posh now, the aristocracy but they are just the beneficiaries of the crimes committed above by the most unscrupulous, psychotic and despicable people you can imagine. They used their stolen wealth to buy up land, graciously allowed you to rent their property on it,  while you work for them and make them richer!

Then we have the Conservatives, a word which literally means someone who is “averse to change or innovation and holding traditional values”. I bet they are! They are the descendents of the establishment families who own the land you live on, the businesses you work for and manage the system that keeps them rich and influential, while you struggle on with your daily lives. They don’t want things to change, they want to conserve things the way they are because down the line their families were prepared to take what didn’t belong to them and commit the crimes previously listed.  

So where does that leave us now? 

It leaves the two groups of people who didn’t directly benefit from any of the crimes listed above facing off against each other because they are a different colour. The real villains propagate the lies that divide us through their media empires and by limiting the services we need to develop and grow. 

They have the wealth, they always have done, they just choose not to share it with you. Any of you. 

You are blaming the wrong people. Racism was designed to make the lowest in white society still manage to feel somewhat superior. You are not. Racism and white supremacy are smoke screens to keep you hating the wrong people, so that they can keep their wealth, power and influence over you. 

You, as an English working class person, have far more in common with the working class immigrants in your town than with Prince William, Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage or the owner of the Daily Mail. 

Skin colour and religion aren’t your enemies. Your enemies are rich and white but still, after all these years, they are managing to convince you otherwise. 

Wake up and target your often  justifiable anger toward the people who are truly responsible. 

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